Zion Builders Co-op | The Big Idea

Christ won’t come until we build at least one Zion society

Moses 7:62 shows that the New Jerusalem Zion Society will exist before Christ returns. It says, “…and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem.”

Now, certainly, we can’t just take it upon ourselves to build THE Zion. That direction is going to come through the Lord’s anointed.

Here’s evidence that building a Zion is up to us — no waiting required:

  • “Zion comes not as a gift but because virtuous covenant people are drawn together and build it.” – Elder Keith B. McMullin, Oct. 2002 General Conference.
  • “We can live as a Zion people, if we wish to.”  – Elder David R. Stone, April 2006 General Conference
  • “I was present at the time the revelation came for the brethren to give their surplus property into the hands of the Bishops for the building up of Zion…. If we are disposed to enter into covenant one with another, and have an agreement made according to the laws of our land, and we are disposed to put our property into the hands of trustees, and work as we are directed… the Lord has not the least objection in the world, and would be perfectly willing for us to do it, and I should like, right well, for us to try it.” – Brigham Young, April 1873 General Conference.
  • “There is not one thing wanting in all the works of God’s hands to make a Zion upon the earth when the people conclude to make it. We can make a Zion of God on earth at our pleasure….” — Brigham Young, Feb. 23, 1862
  • “Wherever there is a people of God, the principles of the United Order are applicable, if they would receive and obey them. ”  – Lorenzo Snow, April 21, 1878
  • The Lord has put into our hands the power to build up his Zion and kingdom on the earth, and we have more to encourage us than was ever possessed by any generation that has preceded us. ”  – Wilford Woodruff, January 12, 1873
  • “It is for us, as children of our heavenly Father, to arise and assume the right the law of the Holy Priesthood gives us, and organize the elements for a Zion, and bring it forth, no matter where we are. I would not give much for a religion that is not thus practical.”  – Brigham Young, Feb. 23, 1862

Cooperation Can Counteract Greed’s Corruption

As warned by the LDS leaders in the 1870’s, the concentration of economic power among powerful corporations is now threatening everyone’s freedom 1.  Greed-based economics has not only corrupted our government 2,  but corporations 4, our financial system 4 and even our religions 5.

“…applying the Second Great Commandment to economics”

Christ himself said he wants us to be “equal in [obtaining] earthly things” so that we can “be equal in obtaining heavenly things”. Apparently, “economic equality” is desirable because it opens the way to spiritual equality. (See D&C 78:3-7).  How can we achieve His goal for us in an economic system that serves to widen the gap between the rich and the poor instead of narrowing it?

The Vision

It’s time we humans learn these lessons, rise above our Natural Man tendencies towards selfishness and greed, and finally work together to create a more human-friendly, egalitarian economy, where profits are used to benefit all. We can build an economy where, as President George Q. Cannon sought, those who are financially successful turn and help those who aren’t to learn to prosper as well — applying the Second Great Commandment to economics.

Our Solution

Early LDS leaders also taught that cooperatives are a “stepping stone to the United Order”, Zion’s economic model.  So, in an attempt to “do many things of [our] own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness“, we are launching the Zion Builders Co-op.  We are taking responsibility for preparing ourselves to move back in the direction of Zion… beginning with baby steps.

We will be following Apostle Lorenzo Snow’s example of how he achieved 100% employment, fed and housed all the widows, and provided for the indigent.  Here is the current (open-to-further-improvement) plan.

How You Can Help

  • Familiarize yourself with the products we already sell here in the Co-op Shop.
  • Create shortcuts on your smartphone to our Amazon and eBay affiliate links.
    Every purchase you make helps us build the co-op further!
  • You could also bookmark our Amazon and eBay affiliate links in your desktop computer’s browser.
  • Create and share memes on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. linking back here
  • Think of other ways and let us know!
  • Once we get the infrastructure in place here on ZionBuilders.org, you can get a login and add products you regularly buy to our inventory that are sold on Amazon, eBay and Walmart, and the co-op will use the profits for Steps 1-3 of “The Plan”. Eventually, we’ll start stocking those products ourselves, and then later, maybe even set up folks in a co-op to manufacture them.  Baby steps.

1. An 1875 First Presidency Letter About Cooperation And The Social System
(See especially the 2nd paragraph).
2. How Money Corrupts American Politics
3. Corporate greed, corruption, and the coming collapse of America as we know it
4. 11 Examples Of How Insanely Corrupt The U.S. Financial System Has Become
5. Fraud Thriving In U.S. Churches, But You Wouldn’t Know It